[WS02] WSQ Respond to Fire Emergency in Buildings
11-12 Feb 202511-12 Mar 20258-9 Apr 2025
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Course Outline:
- Legislation & Regulations of Fire Safety and Protection
- Overview of Company Emergency Response Team (CERT)
- Causes of fire and potential fire hazard scenarios and Injury
- Different types of fire safety and protection systems
- Categories and purpose of Breathing Apparatus
- Components of Breathing Apparatus and usage of Breathing Apparatus
- Factors influencing consumption rate of Breathing Apparatus
- Breathing Apparatus components guidelines and entrapment procedures
- Assess emergency situation
- High rise fighting challenges and firefighting operations
- Rescue and evacuation techniques
- Firefighting equipment
- Protocols of handing/ taking over incidents
- Practical Performance and MCQ Test
- Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
- Fire Extinguisher
- Live-Fire Simulator
- Fire Hose Reel
Course Audience:
- CERT Members in Tier 2 Premises (Public and industrial premises with FSM and storing 5 or less metric tons of Petroleum and Flammable Materials)
- CERT Members in Tier 1 HRI Premises (Public and industrial premises with FSM and classified as High Risk Installations by SCDF)
- Site Incident Controller in Tier 2 and Tier 1 HRI Premises
- A Statement of Attainment (SOA) from SSG will be awarded upon course completion
- 20 CPD Points (from SCDF)
- 8 SDU Points (from SISO)
- Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are eligible for up to 70% SSG Funding; actual funding amount will be determined upon trainee enrollment
Note: Please refrain from making online payment should you wish to tap on the funding